Ganz neu im Komfortmonitor-Sortiment ist der CFM24 – Comfort Folding Monitor , der JETZT erhältlich ist. Das Original >, Apt-SM24V hat den ganzen Sommer über an Dynamik gewonnen und wir
To Find out more information about Teleprompter.Video Get in touch today
>Teleprompter.Video is a product group of Apt-GB (GGPM Ltd Group)
Apt-GB designs and builds full range of stage teleprompter and audio products. We also offer a bespoke cabinet making service allowing you to choose custom colours and the addition of your own company logo.
All products are designed and built in Cornwall UK.
We are currently looking for worldwide dealers so contact us now.
+44 (0) 1579 212210
Apt-GB (GGPM Ltd group)
Puckator Farm
St Cleer